Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Self Intro Speech Review

After viewing my speech a few times I have come to a couple conclusions...
The first and most obvious is that when I talk I need to SLOW DOWN. Even I had trouble understanding some of what I was saying. I think this could have been helped with both more practice and taking a deep breath before my speech.
The second thing I noticed was my posture. While I stood in one place during my speech I looked like a flamingo.... One leg was almost off the ground.
While watching myself speak, I noticed I made a good effort towards eye contact and hand gestures, but more practice and planning will help those things seem more natural in the future and to make sure I was not just looking at a few students in front of my, but the entire, "U" shaped room.
I think my speech was structured well. I used my simplest explanation first and saved my more complicated one for the end once I had introduced the audience to my topic thoroughly.
Over all I think my speech was okay. I am happy with the points I made and how I structured things, I just think a bit more practice before next time could help hammer down some of the speech skills that are important besides the content.
On a scale of 1-10 I would give my speech an 8.


  1. You came up with some very unique ways to describe how a tent represented you, which I found really interesting. I just wish I could have fully understood it all, so slowing down is something to work on. I think with slowing down your speed everything else will fall into place nicely. It's a lot easier to find time for eye contact when you're talking at a slower pace. The content of the speech was great, but I wanted to hear more! Also I thought your transitions between points were really good.

  2. Hey Joanna! For your speech I really appreciate your topic choice for your speech, definitely added a lot of interest simply because it was a slightly more abstract approach in my opinion with that being said I think you interpreted this idea very well! As far as delivery speed is concerned I wouldn't say its anything distracting however to establish a connection with your audience slowing it down a titch wouldn't hurt. But hey! Don't beat yourself up about it too much yet, we're all still getting used to this speech thing all over again!

  3. Hey Joanna,
    I loved your speech topic! You had such a cool interpretation, it was different but very interesting!
    You already mentioned the one thing I had as constructive criticism, and that was speed! You did talk really fast, and your words began to flow together. As an audience member it almost made me tune out (don't worry I did stay focused! haha)
    But yes, I think you're right, more rehearsal would help alot. It also would help you with getting a flow of eye contact and not trying to force yourself to look at the audience.
    But all in all, I really really enjoyed your speech! It was really interesting!
